When Less Than Outstanding Isn’t an Option
The book you’ve invested your life’s blood in writing over this past year . . . that article you’ve spent time and thought in crafting . . . you want it to be stellar. No ambiguous language to make your readers think, “Eh?” No awkward sections that impede the flow. Just limpid, well-paced writing that engages your readers from the opening sentence to the final period and—very importantly—that sounds like you at your best, not like your editor.
I can help. My inner editor is a perfectionist and will strive to make your writing the polished product you’re hoping for.
“You’re a great asset to us. I admire your desire to give each project your absolute best. . . . While editing is difficult, I believe you have an advantage over many other editors—you are such a gifted writer that choosing a better word and enhancing the flow of text is second nature to you.”—Steve Barclift, emeritus managing editor, Kregel Publications
Depending on your needs, I can
- organize your content so it flows well and reads with crystal clarity.
- correct bad grammar and misspellings (so you’ll look as smart as you are!).
- eliminate clutter, ambiguities, and awkward syntax that bog down your readers.
- identify redundancies and inconsistencies in logic.
- ensure uniformity in style, using The Chicago Manual of Style (CMoS) and other appropriate style guides.
- conform your citations to CMoS and notify you when a citation would be appropriate.
- flag you on possible permission concerns and other legal considerations.
- for Christian writers and publishers: check accuracy of Scripture quotes and references according to your preferred Bible translation(s).
- assist you with subheads, text breaks, and other structural elements.
- pull possible quoteworthy content for sidebars.
- and more (of course!).
Check out my competitive rates and contact me today to discuss your editing needs.
“Working with Bob has been a joy. Even though we’ve never met in person, it feels like a true friend is handling my writing. Not that he takes it easy on me, but that he takes my writing seriously. His revisions and suggestions have been spot-on.”—Berry Simpson, author, Trail Markers: Life, Leadership, and Leaving a Spiritual Legacy