Fox’s World

You barely caught it, almost didn’t see it, but there it was for just an eye blink—that flash of red tail with a white tip, disappearing into the woods edge. It was me, the CopyFox, out on one of my excursions in this world of mine—a bright, broad landscape of meadows, forests, and possibilities to explore. Fox’s World.

The CopyFox is my editing and writing business, so presumably writing is what I should blog about. Yet when I think of limiting myself to just that subject, I feel claustrophobic. For a fox, I don’t take well to a den’s cramped quarters. So this blog is going to roam far and wide, trotting across pasture lands and nosing through thickets in search of interesting fare, and who knows where it will wind up from post to post. Because Fox’s World is a big world, and somewhere in it, I trust you will see your world too.





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